Friday, May 29, 2009

The World's Meanest Dog Breed

Has the Pit Bull gotten a "bum rap"? Can we really trust the Bloodhound's sad eyes? Is the German Shepherd's bark worse that his bite??? Or is a floppy-eared, innocent-looking breed one of the world's most agressive pups? Cast your vote (at the right) for the world's meanest dog and see if you agree with the Journal of Veterinary Behavior. Tell us about your choice!

The English Cocker Spaniel??

Find out more about this unusual distinction at:
World's Meanest Dog: The English Cocker Spaniel?: Discovery News

June E-quilt

What's so special about June? Well...besides the fact that it is the 6th month of the year, it's birthstone is the Pearl and it's flower the Rose there are lots of reasons that June is special. Use the information in this E-quilt to discover just a few of them! Which one is the most interesting to you?


National Spelling Bee

The word was Laodicean, it means "lukewarm or indifferent to religion or politics" The winner was Kayva Shivashankar.
Read this article and click on the video showing images from the recent National Spelling Bee. Then post your thoughts. Are you an excellent, average, or poor speller? What makes one person a better speller than another?

Animal Arcade : Caribou Ice Jump

Help the Caribou cross from one shore to the other through the melting ice floes. Each level gets a little more challenging! Did you find success with all the levels? How many attempts did you need?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Visit the newest addition to the Link List - "OLogy" (the study of)!
Choose an OLogy - wow you'll find LOTS of fun activties & new facts. Be sure to scroll all the way down the page! What was your favorite activity? Why?

What's Your B.P.Q.???

What is your B.P.Q. - Brain Power Quotient?
Let’s find out by answering this week’s B.P.Q. (Brain Power Question)

George's Rabbits

George feeds his rabbits lettuce, carrots, and rabbit chow. He feeds them twice as many carrots as lettuce and three times as much rabbit chow as carrots. Last week, he fed them 27 pounds of food. How much of each kind of food did he buy?

Fun Facts

What seems like Trivia to some may be the Grand Prize Winning Answer on a TV game show to others!!
Fun Facts - totally random, totally trivia, totally FUN!!!!
FACT #1....
The Canary Islands were actually named after dogs (canines).
Where are the Canary Islands located?
Would you like to spend your vacation there? Why/why not?
FACT # 2....
An ant can lift 50 times its own weight!
Sooo - if you were an ant - how much weight could YOU lift?
FACT #3..
The top of the Empire State Building was originally built as a place to anchor blimps.
Can you name a famous blimp?
What is this area of the Empire State Building used for today?
Have you ever visited the Empire State Building?

Wacky Words

"Wacky Words" are real words - they are just somewhat unusual & unique. Words that you don't often hear nor are they used every day.'s fun to increase your vocabulary.... by learning & using...."Wacky Words"
What can you do with a "Wacky Word"? can:
  • Define it
  • Learn how to pronounce it
  • Learn how to spell it
  • Use it in a sentence
  • Find out its part of speech
  • Divide it into syllables
  • Create a word design with it
  • Write a poem about it
  • Save it - and when you have lots - create a word find or crossword puzzle

What will you do with this week's Wacky Word??? Let us hear from you..........

WACKY WORD #1 - Verbomania - a craze for words

WACKY WORD #2 - Muleta - the red cape used by matadors

WACKY WORD # 3 - Quaternion - and set of four things

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Exciting NEW Links

Two new links have been added to the list at the right!
Play Amazon Explorer - What mysteries does Amazonia hold? That's just what scientists at the American Museum of Natural History want you, Sam Smith, find out. If you're ready to explore the wilds of the Amazon jungle, journey on, adventurer!
Fun Brain - Explore, Collect, Compete - lots of aracde style activities for hours of fun!
Which Fun Brain activity did you like best? How successful were you as an Amazon explorer? Tell us about your adventures!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Case of the Barefooted Burglar

Forensic Science is the study of objects that relate to a crime. The objects are evidence and analyzing the evidence is what forensic scientists do. They observe, classify, compare, use numbers, measure, predict, interpret data, and draw inferences.

Now it's your turn to be the crime solver!

Click on the "CRIME SCENE" link at right.
Determine which of the four suspects is the "barefooted burglar" using the clues found at the crime scene. What do you think was the motive for this crime? Give us your results and explain why your suspect is the guilty one!

Out of the Ordinary...Out of this World: HUBBLE

The final shuttle visit to the Hubble Space Telescope is under way. Atlantis lifted off at 2:01 p.m. EDT Monday, May 11, 2009, beginning the 11-day mission to upgrade and repair the telescope. The shuttle will rendezvous with the telescope Wednesday, May 13th. Visit the official Hubble Site and let us know why Hubble is truly "out of this world"!!!

MicroAngela's Electron Microscope

Travel through the microscopic world with these colorized images from electron microscopes at the University of Hawaii. Each one a beautiful creation.
Which is your favorite? What did you learn about this unique creature?
One of my favorites is the Feather-Duster Tube Worm - a marine worm that is related to an earthworm. Do YOU notice a family resemblance???

Calling all Bookworms!!

Calling all Bookworms….. May 11th-17th is National Children's Book Week. Celebrated since 1919, it is dedicated to spreading the word about children's literature and encouraging the joys of reading. No matter your age – reading is for everyone – soooo what is your favorite book? Why did you select it as #1? What is the best part of the book? We can’t wait to hear from you!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before

Welcome to the new generation of "trekkies"! Were you one of the first ones to see the newest Star Trek movie?? You be the movie critic and tell us your impression of the characters, the plot, the special effects, which character you liked best - why?? Let us hear from you... "Live long & prosper"

Putting The Pieces Together

It's almost Summer vacation time!!! How long will it take you to piece together this peaceful beach scene? Try it and let us know your time - let's see who can put the pieces together the fastest!!

Click to Mix and Solve

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Wordle is a free web-based application that allows you to create your own "word clouds" (graphics which emphasize the most common words by amplifying their size based on frequency--see the wordle of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech below).

Check it out at:

Create your own wordle - it's FUN!!!!

Here's mine :)

Wordle: ME

"Six Word Memoirs".... Everyone Has A Story - What's Yours??

As legend goes, Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. And so a contest was started in which people wrote six-word stories of their own, as could be how your day went, what you were thinking about, or condense an event of your life into six vital words. To provide inspiration, here are some examples:

  • Loving recycling. Carrying my trash home.
  • Teacher, mother, daughter, wife, friend, and sister.
  • Wishing I could be at beach.
  • Taking a test in math today.
  • Me see world! Me write stories.

So, post your six word memoirs for us to read. Be sure that it captures something going on in your life....but only in exactly six words!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mother's Day

In the United States, Mother's Day started nearly 150 years ago, when Anna Jarvis, an Appalachian homemaker, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called it "Mother's Work Day." In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Mother's Day (the second Sunday in May) as a national holiday.

Take the survey found on the left side of my blog. Which mother listed there do you believe to be the most famous mother of all time? After you’ve voted, tell us what makes YOUR mother special.
Don’t forget, Mother’s Day is Sunday May 10th!!

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo - the 5th of May
Why do they celebrate? How do they celebrate? Watch the video and then post what you have learned about & your impression of this Mexican holiday!

The Joy of Blogging

Brain reserach indicates that growth is enhanced when students move beyond their comfort zones and into the unknown (Brooks & Brooks, 1993; Jensen 1994). Blogging lends itself well to this kind of exploration! What ideas do you as an educator have of how this technology can enhance your classroom?? Please SHARE...............

Geography Quiz

Do you know each of our 50 states? Take this quiz and then post your score for us to see. Which states are easiest for you to remember? Which are hardest?
What makes them easy or hard?

Multiplication Fish

Some of you will find this easy.....IF you know your math multiplication facts! Give it a try and then post which fact you tried and what your score was! Watch out - these fish are FAST!

Traffic Jam

Traffic jams - How frustrating! Try this puzzle and see how many jams you can get the red car out of before giving up! Post your "jam number" and tell us what you think of the game.

The Not-So-Easy Number Game

Give this challenging game a try and see if you can make it from the beginning of the puzzle to the end. Read the directions to make sure you are doing it correctly. Good luck!

The Inner Circle

Which red circle is larger, the one on the left or the one on the right? Or are they the same?
Post your answer and justify your reason.